The rain is pounding at the windows in my office as I write and I am snuggled up to the radiator.
Recently I realised that I had all but stopped writing. I actually know exactly why. I have been working away on my other business Safe Space Coaching and dreaming up new business offerings. I don't really believe in Balance. We are always giving our attention to one thing more than another. Currently I am learning French, researching my second fiction novel, thinking of finishing my first non-fiction novel (part memoir/part self-help), learning the language of sales, improving my written English, competing in my first Bikini Series Challenge (don't ask) and taking care of my home. Now, I cannot possibly get all of the work done that I need to do on all of these during ONE day. I have trello boards for all of them and plans too but that doesn't mean they are balanced...AT ALL. I'm tired just reading that back really. ZZzzzzz I adore writing and I have a friend who is waiting on my completed chapter, which I have mostly completed, but once I finished the book I must admit I got impatient and wanted to start the next one right away! Alas, I find myself unable to start writing it because I know nothing about the time period...PERIOD! It will take lots of research to know how things were in the 1860's in Scotland and NZ. Then why aren't I writing more of just anything? You did look at the list above right? I know, I know...So everyone is busy, I get it. We all have the same amount of time in the day as the next person so I ought to just dive in. Except, I want to do my best and not do something half-arsed. Is it better to do something than nothing? That is the question I pose to you new writers? How do you ensure you are writing daily? What do you sacrifice to make it happen? What falls off your plate? I would LOVE to know. You can comment here or tweet me back @safespace. Happy Monday :) |
AuthorYvonne Anderson Archives
December 2018