This site is for you if you are very new to the world of writing and self-publishing and it is also for you if you wish to help new writers. :)
It has been 2 years and I have finally finished (ok it still needs a smidgen of work) my very first novel. It is short novel at approximately 62,000 words. The editing company I used told me that readers would much prefer a tighter story than one which is flabby and not as together. I need an editor to tell me these things and a proofreader to find my errors. Hey, I can write a book but I didn't say my English was awesome! I once thought 2 years was a long time but in the midst of this I moved back with hubby to the UK after 11 years in the Antipodes, started a new company, was busy with my business and just life in general. Anyway, I digress... So now I get to the hard part, or so people tell me. The world of SELF-PUBLISHING! I don't know very much and I want my novel available by this Christmas. So I have decided to go with Kindle Direct Publishing. Looks straightforward enough, looks like the royalties are way better than going down the traditional publishing route and it can be made available within 48 hours in the kindle store. The tricky part looks like the conversion from word file to ePub version. I don't know a heck of a lot about marketing it but I have been learning this world for many reasons I won't bore you with here, so I should be ok. If you have any hints and tips then flick me a comment if you like either here or here. I would deeply appreciate it. Now we get into the trickiest part. I have had an idea for a third novel and have already started working on my second. When inspiration calls your name you listen right? My characters are patiently waiting but I am not sure for how long exactly they will hang around waiting to be heard. I hope it is a long time, I hope they don't wander off. My second novel is written in first person unlike this first book, which is in third person omniscient. It is a different ball game but I am enjoying it immensely. I am itching to get going yet will need enough time to do the first book justice. Have you self-published a novel? Did you make it available as a printed version or just ebook? What pitfalls can you help me and my readers avoid? Which blogs can you recommend around this topic? How did you navigate or are you navigating this road yourself? I would LOVE to hear from you xx Yvonne Anderson Comments are closed.
AuthorYvonne Anderson Archives
December 2018